Discover Secmatics Zero Trust Solutions

Your First Step to a More Secure Future

Legacy Solutions are Highly Vulnerable to Today’s Threats

Networks are “Soft in the Middle”

Attackers can easily maintain and extend a network breach. Lateral movement and data compromise are almost inevitable once external defences have been breached.

VPNs: Leaving the Front Door Open

A flood of critical vulnerabilities in legacy VPNs are leaving networks highly exposed to zero day exploits. Companies of all sizes are regularly being compromised due to these flaws.

High Risk External Attack Surface

Internet Facing products are increasingly being attacked and compromised using indiscriminate automated exploits. Most commercial software is simply too dangerous to be exposed to the Internet.

Authentication is a Risk Amplifier

Frequent ‘Credential Stuffing’ and ‘Password Spraying’ attacks now mean that simple password based authentication will not keep attackers out of your infrastructure.

Secmatics Zero Trust: Your Best Route to a Secure Network

Our solutions are designed to facilitate incremental adoption of Zero Trust technology. This enables organisations to focus on immediate high value security improvements without having to commit to complex and disruptive technology transformation projects.

Enable Secure Remote Access to Legacy Applications and Services

Make Your Services Invisible to Internet-based Attackers

Mitigate the Risk of Weak or Compromised passwords

Prevent Zero-Day Exploits and Ransomware Incidents

Extra Breathing Space to Deploy Critical Security Updates and Patches

Legacy Architecture

Extensive internal and external attack surface. Network breach and lateral movement are highly likely.


Zero Trust Architecture

Micro Segmentation and encrypted communication renders untrusted attack surface inaccessible.

Why Choose Secmatics Zero Trust?

Secure By Design

Our Zero Trust components are built with a strict security-first philosophy.

We expose minimal attack surface, require minimal privileges and have minimal dependencies.

All components are implemented in memory safe languages. We also conduct detailed threat modelling and in depth line-by-line security code reviews of every component.

Our security is based on effective engineering, not marketing.

Easy Adoption

Our solution is delivered using a flexible set of foundational building blocks. This approach is designed to enable simple incremental adoption of Zero Trust technologies.

There is no need to commit to multi-year transformation projects, and no need to replace complex infrastructure.

Our solution enables you to mitigate real-world threats and vulnerabilities in minutes.

World Leading Support

Our Zero Trust technology is designed and built by Secmatics. This means we can provide direct access to expert security and engineering support for all our solutions.

We can also provide custom solutions to ensure that our Zero Trust components integrate seamlessly with your existing technology and environment.

No Cloud Weak-Link

Our solution does not rely on a cloud based policy engine or an opaque cloud overlay network.

This mitigates the risk of a wide-scale compromise due to a cloud account or infrastructure breach.

This also means you you keep full control of your data and are not exposed to the additional privacy, reliability, and network latency issues associated with cloud-based proxy solutions.

No Compromise: Security and User Experience

Our solutions are designed to provide effective security without compromising user experience. By avoiding the need for additional user training or downtime we can make it far easier to address critical security risks in legacy services.

Our network architecture enables us to add a layer of strong authentication and encryption without having to route your traffic through a cloud proxy. We minimise network latency and maximise reliability.

How Does it Work?

Our Zero Trust solutions encapsulate application traffic inside a secure tunnel. Tunnelled connections are encrypted using TLS 1.3 and mutually authenticated based on shared symmetric secrets, standard x.509 server and client certificates, or both.

A client identity can be provisioned to users and/or hosts. This enables access control policies to have an optimal level of granularity.

Incoming connections are authenticated using hardened, security reviewed, code written in a memory safe language. Unauthorised users can’t see or interact with protected services.

Flexible service granularity allows access to be assigned to specific services or containers, or a combination of services and hosts.

Lets Talk About Zero Trust

If you would like to learn more about our Zero Trust solutions, or are looking for ways to mitigate existing threats or vulnerabilities, then we would love to talk to you.

To arrange an initial discussion with one of our technical experts, just get in touch via our contact page.