Surface Scan

Get a snapshot of your organisation’s true attack surface: discover assets and vulnerabilities in your ‘shadow’ infrastructure

Discover your true attack surface

Many organisations are finding that their attack surface now extends across a wide range of on-prem resources as well as an increasingly diverse set of third party service providers.

Increasing levels of infrastructure complexity combined with the dynamic self-service nature of many cloud services means that operations teams often have an incomplete or out-of-date view of their organisation’s true attack surface.

Unseen ‘shadow’ infrastructure often includes obsolete or unpatched components and can present attackers with an open door to your network. A single missed component can easily be the first step in an attack chain that leads directly to a data breach or ransomware attack.

Fix your Weakest Link

Current attackers are known to actively target darker corners of an organisation’s infrastructure in order to gain an initial foothold. These ‘shadow’ infrastructure components can range from unknown assets managed by oversees branch offices through to long forgotten infrastructure that was never fully decommissioned.

The very same components that tend to be missed or forgotten by security and operations teams are the ones that current attackers will be highly likely to attack and compromise. This is not a coincidence, it simply reflects a change in attacker behaviour that takes advantage of a weak link in an organisation’s defenses.

Extend your Reach

By empowering your internal security an operations teams with a more complete perspective on your Internet-facing attack surface you enable them to provide a much more complete level of coverage.

Existing vulnerability scanning or analysis tools can gain a more complete insight into any exposed risks, and critical processes such as vulnerability and patch management are less likely to miss exploitable vulnerabilities.

Internal technology transformation projects such zero trust projects or strong authentication deployments can also be more informed and data driven when they have access to a current Internet perspective of your existing infrastructure.

Extra Help When You Need It

If you need additional cybersecurity effort then we can also provide bolt-on consulting engagements to augment our standard service coverage.

We can provide independent technical security engagements covering a diverse range of areas including: M&A due diligence, in-depth analysis of specific vulnerabilities or vendor fixes, product security assessments, historic exposure analysis and cybersecurity insurance assessments.

Additional consulting delivered as part of a Surface Scan engagement will benefit from a 25% discount on our normal consulting rate.

Our unique combination of highly skilled security engineers and proprietary automation technology enables us to quickly discover and analyse the resources, assets and vulnerabilities from across your true attack surface. The table below outlines our standard offerings, we are also happy to provide customised engagements to meet any specific customer requirements.

*Prices are provided as a guide only, the actual price will depend on the size and complexity of your infrastructure. Engagements are subject to our standard terms of service.

Get in touch today to see how a Surface Scan engagement can help to keep your business secure. We are always happy to discuss specific requirements and are committed to providing balanced and technically informed guidance on the best way forward.

  • +44(0)1487 404302


You can find other contact options on our Contact Page and more details of our standard services on our Services Page.